Double issue of ‘Transfers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies’ published

The latest double issue of Transfers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies has been published!

Please visit the Berghahn website for more information about the journal:

Volume 13, Issue 1-2 
Table of Contents

Cotten Seiler

Special Section: Mobilities and Pedagogy
Introduction: Mobilities and Pedagogy
Sarah Gibson and Lynne Pearce

Critical Pedagogies for Mobilities Studies
Judith A. Nicholson

Mobilizing Cultural Studies: The Pedagogy of Walking, Field Trips, and the KwaZulu-Natal Battlefields Route
Sarah Gibson

Emplacing Students through Everyday Mobilities: From Practice to Theory
Bradley Rink

Teaching Primary Geography through Mobile Methods: Didactic Reflections and Insights from Collaborative Research with Swiss Teachers
Suzy Blondin and Justine Letouzey-Pasquier

Mobilizing Landscape Pedagogies: Enskillment and Frictions in Informal Educational Practices
Margherita Cisani

Special Section: John Urry’s Living Legacies in Perspective—Futures on the Move
Introduction: John Urry’s Living Legacies in Perspective—Futures on the Move
Rodanthi Tzanelli

Gaze, Nomad, Dwelling: Metaphors for a Mobile Imagination
Jennie Germann Molz

What If? / What Now?: “Futuring” Mobilities Research by Engaging with Design
Ole B. Jensen

What Futures?: Our Future, the Planet, and Cohabitation
Michael Haldrup

Pluralizing Mobilities Theory for Post-carbon Futures and Social Justice
Mimi Sheller

Novel Reviews
Annie Lloyd, Caroline Millar, and Mizan Rambhoros

Essaying to Decenter the (White, Male, Elite) Tourist Gaze
Stephen L. Harp

Book Reviews
Daniela Atanasova, Johannes Starkbaum, and Anna Gerhardus

Ideas in Motion
Mobility Edges: Reworking the Politics of Mobilities
Joris Schapendonk and Mirjam Wajsberg