DAMR Fall Meeting 2017
The Dutch Association for Migration Research (DAMR) & the University of Amsterdam’s Institute for Migration & Ethnic Studies (IMES) invite you for the DAMR Fall Meeting 2017
Challenging Categorization in Migration Policy and Research
With a keynote by Prof. Dr. Dvora Yanow, Wageningen University
27 October 2017, 9h30 – 17h15 (drinks afterwards)
CREA Muziekzaal, Roeterseilandcampus, University of Amsterdam
Organised by Lea Klarenbeek, Natalie Welfens, Jeroen Doomernik and Saskia Bonjour
Registration is required. Please register by sending an email to Laura Cleton at l.cleton@uva.nl no later than 22 October 2017
[gview file=”https://macimide.maastrichtuniversity.nl/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Program-DAMR-FAll-Meeting-2017.pdf”]