CfP: The Challenge of Migration in Europe and the US: Comparing Policies and Models of Reception


International Conference:

The Challenge of Migration in Europe and the US: Comparing Policies and Models of Reception

 2-4 November 2017

The second part of a two-series international conference analyzes the causes, behavior and effects of both voluntary and forced migration across Europe and North America. Both conferences examine the political, cultural, religious, social, and economic policy requirements generated by international norms such as the Geneva Convention for refugees and national conditions nominating both legal and unauthorized economic migrants. The two conferences of Agrigento, Sicily: June 8-9, 2017 (Part 1) and Stony Brook (Part 2) have goals of scientific knowledge and have the same internal system with the declared intention to make a comparative approach possible.

Topics include:

First, Second and Third Sessions: The Causes of Migration: Perspectives from the Sending Countries

  • A view of the American philosophy of migration: the United States of America as a country for permanent
  • Historical perspective on migration to the United States of America from the “great” emigration to today.
  • Euro Mediterranean crisis
  • Map of areas that generated the migratory flows into the United States of America
  • Economic migrants and political refugees: do they need different attention
  • Economic, political, cultural and social
  • Migratory corridors
  • Criminal organizations and migration

Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Sessions: The Host Model

  • Historical perspective on US reception policies: from the Open Era to the Restrictive Era (1700s – 1900s), from the open migration (1800 – 1900) to the regulated migration and then opposed (regulatory economic policy framework and evaluation of the American emigration history).
  • Contemporary framework of admission and integration policies: post-World War II migration and
  • The role of the EU migration agency Frontier in implementing the EU agenda on migration
  • The Trump era and potential conflicts among levels of the Federal structure of the country.
  • Immigration and security
  • From reception to detention: asylum laws, international agreement, national security
  • Controlling migration into the US: How is migration regulated?
  • The Pope’s voice: “Migrants are not a danger – they are in danger.”

Last three sessions: Evolution in American Migration Culture: Looking towards the Future

  • Fostering a culture of welcoming migrants and respect for human rights.
  • Resolving the multi-level conflicts in the Federal
  • The role of G.O.’s
  • Is it possible to build a social engineering plan to regulate and govern migrations?
  • Immigration as an opportunity: the socio-economic and cultural benefits of immigration
  • To what degree are policy tools transferable among the various receiving countries? 

Closing Roundtable:  Comparative Perspectives on European and American Models

* * * *

The proposals (pdf or word), are to be sent to     by August 31, 2017

Proposals should contain:

  • Name and surname of the candidate;
  • An abstract (about 200 words) in English;
  • A short CV, with the indication of the address of the email account to which you want to be sent

The selection will be made after AUGUST 31, 2017.

*Hospitality (food and lodging) is offered by conference. The travel expenses are borne by the individual speakers.

The proceedings of the conference including selected texts will be published in Italian and in English by the Migrantes Foundation.