CfP – MACIMIDE Annual Work Conference 2021 in Collaboration with DAMR

The Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development (MACIMIDE), in collaboration with the Dutch Association for Migration Research (DAMR), invites you to submit a proposal for a workshop or paper for the MACIMIDE Annual Work Conference 2021 that will be held on 23 September 2021.

MACIMIDE is Maastricht University’s interdisciplinary research platform for interfaculty collaboration in the fields of migration, mobility, citizenship, development, and family life. DAMR is a Dutch interdisciplinary network of academic researchers who work in the field of migration. Both MACIMIDE and DAMR want to encourage science communication and exchange among researchers in the field.

Each year MACIMIDE organizes an Annual Work Conference where researchers present and discuss their work around a number of research themes cutting across the disciplinary fields represented by the faculties and schools of Maastricht University. By doing this in collaboration with DAMR, who also encourage exchange and interdisciplinarity, we want to further stimulate exchange of ideas and research. We encourage both DAMR and MACIMIDE members to submit papers, panel and workshop proposals, especially early career researchers.

Moreover, this year, the MACIMIDE Conference will be followed by an event of the IMISCOE Standing Committee on Migrant Transnationalism on September 24 to which you are cordially invited when participating in the MACIMIDE Conference.

You are welcome to submit an abstract for a workshop or paper of maximum 500 words to the Annual MACIMIDE Conference. Note that, as in previous years, we do not only accept papers proposals but also workshop proposals. For workshop proposals think about a 1-to-1,5-hour workshop. We invite contributions that address various issues regarding migration. Examples from previous years included papers and workshops on matters of education, identity and inclusion, welfare and labour market, citizenship, discrimination, transnationalism, health and well-being, technological change or security.

Please submit your abstract no later than April 30 by e-mail to all the members of the organizing committee. By the end of May all applicants are notified on whether their proposal is accepted. 

The conference day is free of charge, but you need to register in advance. The deadline for registration is June 18. Registration will be opened in May.

In case you have any questions about the Annual Work Conference, please get in touch with a member of the organizing committee:

Karlijn Haagsman (

Julia Reinold (

Lavinia Kortese (