CfP: IRiS International Conference on “Looking back to look forward: Research on migration, diversity and forced displacement in times of rapid change”

The Institute for Research into Superdiversity (IRiS) at the University of Birmingham, UK, is inviting submissions for paper and panel proposals that address key dimensions and changes in contemporary migration studies research, both in the past decade and for the decade ahead for its 10th anniversary international conference: Looking back to look forward:   Celebrating 10 years of research on migration, forced displacement and superdiversity. The conference will be held on 14-16 September at the University of Birmingham, UK. Online participation also possible.

Confirmed keynote and plenary speakers: 

Professor Cecilia Menjívar, University of California Los Angeles and President of the American Sociological Association, US

Professor Steve Vertovec, Director of Max-Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Germany

Professor Michaela Benson, Lancaster University, UK

Professor Carlos Vargas Silva, University of Oxford, UK.

Find more information and details at  Submit your abstract via the online submission page by 16th May 2022.