Call for Papers for the 17th IMISCOE Annual Conference is open.
This conference proposes to zoom deeper into people’s migration experiences by foregrounding how migration is connected to culture. We will explore the nexus of migration and culture in more depth asking how migration is lived, experienced, mediated, and reflected through everyday cultural and artistic practice. Thereby we seek to deepen our understanding of the complexity and diversity of migration experiences on the one hand, and the possibilities of connecting different migrant experiences and groups of people on the other.
In line with the theme ‘Crossing borders, connecting cultures’, preferred proposals shall feature:
- Theories, concepts and methods in migration research
- Cultures and cultural practice in migration research
- Borders and borders experiences in migration research
You can submit either one individual paper, panel or workshop proposal (all sessions will each be assigned 90 minutes) for a double-blind review, using the links on this page.
Panels and papers will be grouped together thematically throughout the conference program:
- SC Reflexive Migration Studies
- SC Migrant Transnationalism
- SC Migration, Citizenship and Political Participation
- SC Superdiversity, Migration and Cultural Change
- SC Older Migrants
- SC Gender and Sexuality in Migration Research
- SC Immigration, Immigrants and the labour market in Europe
- SC Migration Politics and Governance
- SC Education and social inequality
- SC Methodological Approaches and Tools in Migration Research
- RI Privileged Mobilities: local impacts, belonging and citizenship
- RI Revisiting Return Migration in Shifting Geopolitics
- RI Norms and Values in Migration and Integration
- Individuals may submit a maximum of one abstract as first author, but they may also appear as a co-author/co-presenter of another paper
- An individual may take on an additional role: as a panel/workshop organizer and/or as featured speaker
- All proposals must represent original and unpublished work
- Individuals who will not be attending the conference are discouraged from submitting proposals
- The author’s confirmation of attendance and presentation signifies that the author will present the paper on the day and time assigned by the conference program committee. The IMISCOE 2020 organizers will not respond to or consider requests for a specific time slot
Submitting an individual paper, panel or workshop proposal
Your submission needs to contain:
- Names and email addresses of the presenters or primary organizer and the co-organizer (we prefer two presenters or organizers in case of unforeseen circumstances)
- The proposed title of the paper, panel or workshop proposal
- The matching Standing Committees and Research Initiatives
- The matching conference topics
- A 250-word abstract of your paper for the conference programme
For more information and the uploading of the paper see: