CfP: Conference The spectre of Brexit: free movement and European citizenship in question. Deadline: 06/05/2016

The spectre of Brexit: free movement and European citizenship in question

Part of the Sociological Review Research Seminar Series A sociology of ‘Brexit’: citizenship, belonging and mobility in the context of the British referendum on EU membership

Funded by The Sociological Review Foundation

University of Southampton, 17 June 2016

Keynote speakers:

Professor Adrian Favell (University of Leeds)

Dr Michaela Benson (Goldsmiths, University of London)


The upcoming referendum on whether the United Kingdom should remain a member of the European Union is one of great social significance, yet sociological research has not engaged with the question in any depth. This one-day seminar attempts to fill this gap by debating the observable and expected consequences of a radically changed relationship between the UK and the EU, focusing specifically on those whose lives are most directly affected by the referendum and the spectre of ‘Brexit’: EU citizens living in Britain, and British citizens living in other EU countries. Scholarly contributions to the seminar will discuss the experiences of such ‘mobile citizens’, and citizenship will be the core theoretical concept addressed in the context of the anticipation and possible outcomes of the EU referendum.

We welcome abstract submissions addressing – but not limited to – the following topics:

  • Mobile Europeans’ experiences, opinions and future plans in the context of a changing relationship between the United Kingdom and the EU;
  • the value and practice of supranational (EU) citizenship as an ‘uncertain’ right;
  • the meaning of belongingand trans/post-national identities in times of legal and existential ‘uncertainty’

Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words and include a titleauthoraffiliationcurrent position and contact e-mail. Please e-mail your abstract to Chris Moreh ( no later than Friday, 6th of May 2016. Selected presenters should be prepared to submit a draft paper or an extended abstract by 1st June, as there is an opportunity for selected papers to be submitted for publication in a Special Issue of The Sociological ReviewWe are particularly interested in submissions from postgraduate students and ECRs.

Organisers are able to contribute towards presenters’ travel and accommodation expenses. Registration is free of charge. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Registration will open in mid-May. For more information follow us on Facebook.