CfP: Conference Migration and social inequality- Global perspectives – new boundaries, Oslo. Deadline: 01/04/2016
August 11-12 2016, Oslo
The University of Oslo in cooperation with Nordic Migration Research and the Norwegian Network for Migration Research welcomes you to The 18th Nordic Migration Conference. This interdisciplinary and international conference takes place every two years, and will this time take place in Oslo.
Global inequalities between countries and regions in terms of income, security, rights, and living conditions are today driving increasing numbers of people into crossing international borders in search of personal safety, economic opportunities and better future prospects. At the same time, social inequality is sharply on the rise within societies across the globe, as traditional structures of work and welfare are rearranged and/or dismantled. In an increasingly globalized world, boundaries of class, nationality, ethnicity, gender and legal statuses are intersecting in new ways, giving rise to changing and new dimensions of inequality within and between both migrant sending and migrant receiving societies.
In this conference we wish to explore the diverse links between international migration and social inequality, in a Nordic, European and global context. We invite scholars from across disciplinary boundaries to engage in a discussion of how these changes can be conceptualized and studied, from a variety of methodological and theoretical perspectives. Contributions are welcomed that reflect on how economic, political, cultural and social factors in origin and destination countries affect migration and shape diverse societies. We welcome papers which discuss how issues such as global inequalities, states policies, legal frameworks, media discourses and cultural boundaries shape the dynamics of migration and migrants’ everyday experiences.