CfP ‘Children’s and Youth’s Lives Away from Home – Transnational perspectives’ Transnational Social Review

Children’s and Youth’s Lives Away from Home – Transnational perspectives

Deadline for submission of proposal abstracts: December 15, 2014

For the topic focused on “Children’s and Youth’s Lives Away from Home – Transnational perspectives” of the journal “Transnational Social Review – A Social Work Journal” (TSR), the guest editors Kiaras Gharabaghi, Wolfgang Schröer, and Maren Zeller invite your submissions of proposal abstracts.

Research Interest

Around the world, an estimated 10 million children and youth are living outside of traditional and often euro-centric concepts of ‘home’ in a wide range of alternative arrangements, including kinship arrangements, residential care settings as part of the child protection and children’s mental health sectors, boarding schools, wilderness/adventure programs that are often part of youth justice sectors or sometimes the education sector, homeless youth shelters, refugee camps, or in other temporary spaces that provide ‘homes’ for unaccompanied minors, street involved youth and otherwise discarded children and youth. The experiences of these young people have thus far been explored only in the context of particular academic or professional disciplines, with a focus on particular aspects or characteristics of the young people (such as mental health concerns, educational failure, abandonment from families), but never with a view of understanding the experience of living away from home as a life-shaping transnational phenomenon itself, regardless of cause or context.

The highly differentiated exploration of young people living away from home is re-constructed in public and private responses to the perceived needs of the young people. Services for young people living away from home are managed and funded by communities, multiple ministries or government agencies, faith-based organizations, and non-governmental organizations often with very little collaboration in spite of the obvious connections between a young person’s multiple life spaces, such as education, home life, social connections and economic involvement. This fragmentation of public response to the phenomenon of children’s lives away from home is common in all OECD jurisdictions; global research efforts, policy initiatives and practice approaches reflect disciplinary silos, sectoral limits and carved out spaces of non-governmental organizations and private services that are disconnected and often chaotic.

We invite proposals which discuss research about the experience of living away from home as a phenomenon itself in a transnational perspective, and how we can utilize this knowledge, including our understanding of resilience and personal resources held by the young people themselves, for shaping support and out of home care. 2

Submission Requirements

A proposal, in the form of an abstract, should be no more than 500 words and should address the following: background of the proposed paper; content outline; and main discussion points.
For those proposals that will be accepted, the deadline for submission of full articles is February 15, 2015.

The schedule and deadlines for the issue focused on “Children’s and Youth’s Lives Away from Home – Transnational perspectives” are:

December 15, 2014 Submission of proposal abstracts February 15, 2015 Submission of full articles March – April 2015 Peer review Mai – June 2015 Revision of articles, if necessary June 30, 2015 Final submission of publishable articles October 2015 Publication

Articles are to be up to 8,000 words in length. The authors are responsible for submitting proof-read and anonymized manuscripts. The instructions for authors are available under:


Inquiries and all proposals should be sent to the guest editors of the fourth focused topic on “Children’s and Youth’s Lives Away from Home – Transnational perspectives”:

Kiaras Gharabaghi, PhD
Director, School of Child & Youth Care
Associate Professor, Immigration & Settlement Studies Graduate Program Project Leader, Rising High Project, Community Transformation Cafe of the Faculty of Community Services Ryerson University
350 Victoria Street, Toronto, Canada M5B 2K3 979-5000, ext. 4812

Wolfgang Schröer, PhD
Professor for Social Pedagogic
Institute for Social Work and Organization Studies University of Hildesheim Marienbuger Platz 22
D-31141 Hildesheim, Germany

Maren Zeller, PhD
Assistant Professor for Social Pedagogy Institute of Educational Sciences 3 University of Trier
D-54286 Trier, Germany

Concept and Objective of the Journal TSR

“Transnational Social Review – A Social Work Journal” is a peer reviewed journal that offers an international forum to discuss social work and related disciplines and professions from a transnational perspective. It responds to the challenges resulting from the increasing impact of transnational social, political, economic, and cultural processes and structures upon social work. The journal aims at the transnational opening and development of social work and related fields. Its main objective is to open perspectives for making the concept of transnationalism part of the knowledge structure and practice, in order to extend and transform the legitimation, concepts, research, and methods which to date are primarily nationally-focused.

Frequency and Structure of the Journal TSR

TSR appears three times a year, guided by an international team of editors and board members at Routledge Publishers. The journal pursues an interdisciplinary approach and fits the criteria of the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI). All articles undergo rigorous peer reviews, based on initial editor screening and anonymous reviews by two or more referees to ensure the high quality of the journal. TSR is available online as well as in print.

Each issue consists of a cluster of articles on a focus topic as well as general articles and book reviews. Additionally, it includes the non-peer-reviewed section ‘‘Mapping Transnationalism’’, which consists of brief, up-to-date reports on research, teaching, social policies, and practices concerning the transnational worlds of social work

Focus Topic Issues 2014-2015:

· 1/2014 Religion and Social Work – Transnational Perspectives · 2/2014 Social Services and Transnationality · 3/2014 Linking Migration and Social Policy · 1/2015 Borders – transborders – no borders: Problematizing the “figure of the migrant (call closed) · 2/2015 Transnational Childhoods (call closed) · 3/2015 Children’s and Youth’s Lives Away from Home – Transnational perspectives (call open)

Homepage of the Journal TSR:

For any question regarding the journal please contact:

Claudia Olivier, Journal Manager
Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz Institute of Education
55099 Mainz, Germany
Phone: +49-(0)6131 39-20794