CfP: 2015 EUDO dissemination Conference- 26-27 November 2015, European University Institute (Florence)

The 2015 EUDO conference will compare access to citizenship and the franchise in Europe and the Americas. The EUDO Observatory on Citizenship, which has recently expanded its geographical scope to North and South America, provides a wealth of data for transatlantic comparative research on these topics. The conference will specifically focus on regional and global processes of norm diffusion. Questions that will be ad- dressed include the following:

Are the rules for acquisition and loss of citizenship status and access to the franchise converging on a global scale? What is the role of domestic, transnational and international factors in citi- zenship and electoral reforms? Are citizenship policies driven by concerns about immigrants and indigenous minorities or about emigrant and kin minorities abroad? Are there also regional trends in electoral behaviour among ‘atypical’ voters, such as non-resident citizens and noncitizen residents?

Paper Proposals

Interested academics and practitioners are invited to submit a paper proposal related to the overall theme of the conference. Preference will be given to proposals dealing specifically with the following topics:

  1. The politics of citizenship and franchise reform
  2. Franchise and representation in supranational parliaments
  3. Electoral behaviour and participation of foreign residents and expatriates
  4. Political incorporation of immigrants – diffusionist perspectives
  5. Political incorporation of emigrants – diffusionist perspectives
  6. Political participation and representation of indigenous minorities

As an interdisciplinary research centre, EUDO welcomes ap- plicants from a variety of academic backgrounds including law, political science, political theory, political geography, history, sociology or anthropology.

Applicants are also strongly encouraged to make use of the data generated by EUDO CITIZENSHIP and the other EUDO Observatories. EUDO CITIZENSHIP databases on National Citizenship Laws, National Electoral Laws, Modes of Acquisi- tion and Loss of Citizenship, and Country Profiles now cover all states in Europe and nearly all the Americas.

The deadline for receiving paper proposals is 15 June 2015, 24:00 CET.

For more information, see: