CfA: Workshop (Forced) Migration and Media at the University of Leicester, 13 June

Extended Deadline – Call for Applications Workshop (Forced) Migration and Media at the University of Leicester 13th June, 2016 For this one-day workshop – on the Monday, the 13th of June – we are looking for applicants who conduct…

13/05/2016: MACIMIDE Workshop on Citizenship and Diaspora Policies in Post-Communist Central and Eastern Europe

MACIMIDE Workshop Citizenship and Diaspora Policies in Post-Communist Central and Eastern Europe With the support of the Maastricht Centre for Citizenship Migration and Development (MACIMIDE) and Limburg University Fund – SWOL Organisers: Costica Dumbrava and Christin Hess The workshop explores the development of citizenship…

CfP: Workshop “Ethnic Relations, Minorities and Belonging in Europe and China”. Deadline: 30/04/2016

Workshop Ethnic Relations, Minorities and Belonging in Europe and ChinaJune 2-3, 2016, Leuven – Belgium.  Organisers: KU Leuven Gülen Chair for Intercultural Studies (GCIS), Research Center for Studies of Chinese Southwest’ Borderland Ethnic Minorities, Yunnan University Workshop theme The workshop will analyse the…


Nordic Migration Research invites proposals for workshops to be held during the 18th Nordic Migration conference entitled ‘Migration and social inequality: Global perspectives – new boundaries’, which will take place at the University of Oslo, Norway during August 11-12, 2016….


The second Workshop of the IMISCOE Research Initiative “Refugees in European Localities: Reception, Perceptions and Policies” will take place in Amsterdam on March 3-5, 2016. The IMISCOE Research Initiative “Refugees in European Localities: Reception, Perceptions and Policies” was established in…

1 July: Workshop “Migrant Families Living Across National and Regional Borders”

Migrant Families Living Across National and Regional Borders  Cross-border families where one or more family members migrate and leave other members in origin regions are a common and contemporary form of family in today’s globalized world. Quantitative, large-scale research on…

11-12 June: Workshop “The Contestation of Immigration, Ethnic Diversity and Citizenship”, Politicologenetmaal, Maastricht University

Politicologenetmaal- The Annual Conference of the Dutch and Belgian Political Science Associations, 11-12 June 2015, Maastricht University Workshop The Contestation of Immigration, Ethnic Diversity and Citizenship Organisers: Christof Roos, Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Costica Dumbrava (Maastricht University – MACIMIDE) Description: In most European countries…

26 June: Workshop “People-making in the era of declining fertility, high migration and bio-technological change”, IMISCOE Annual Conference, University of Geneva

IMISCOE Annual Conference, 25-27 June 2015, University of Geneva Workshop People-making in the era of declining fertility, high migration and bio-technological change Organisers: Costica Dumbrava (Maastricht University – MACIMIDE) and Rainer Bauböck (European University Institute) Description States claim to represent trans-generational communities…

CfP: International workshop ‘Producing Knowledge on Migration’, 28-29 May, University of Paris 13

Paper proposals of 500 words should be submitted by 15 April 2015. Expanded abstracts should be submitted by 15 May 2015. Both English and French are working languages for the event. Version française: English Version:

Call for papers and workshop note – Religion and the Political Participation and Mobilization of Immigrant Groups: A Transatlantic Perspective

Centre for Ethnic and Migration StudiesUniversité de Liège- Integration and international migration: pathways and integration policies (project funded with support from the European Commission), Work Package 2: Citizenship and Political Participation CALL FOR PAPERS INTEGRIM SCIENTIFIC THEMATIC WORKSHOP 11 May 2015, CEDEM, University of…