Masterscirpties in Migratieweb
De redactie van Migratieweb wil graag meer scripties in de databank opnemen. Zo kunnen studenten hun onderzoek onder de aandacht te brengen bij advocaten en andere juristen in het migratierecht. Wij richten ons op masterscripties over migratierechtelijke of aan het…
Oslo Summer School 2016 with a PhD course on Citizenship and Immigration in Europe
Oslo Summer School 2016 offer a PhD course on “Citizenship and Immigration in Europe” by Professor Christian Joppke, 25 – 29 July.
Global Photo Competition: The Other Side of Migration
A picture is worth a thousand words. The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation’s (SDC) Global Programme Migration and Development (GPMD) is launching a global photo competition to highlight the positive aspects of migration and its potential for development. Photographs have…
Newsletter European Web Site on Integration, 14 March 2016
E-Newsletter 14 March 2016 / Issue n°79 WELCOME! This is the 79th issue of the European Web Site on Integration’s newsletter. Every month, the Editorial team of the European Web Site on Integration sends you a selection of content recently…
The Citizenship Rights in Africa Initiative (CRAI) Newsletter, 16/02/2016
The Citizenship Rights in Africa Initiative Newsletter View in your browser New on CRAI: 16 February 2016 A summary of new materials added from: 19 January 2016 – 16 February 2016 20 Sub-Saharan African Countries Still Do Not Treat Women As…
European Web Site on Integration’s newsletter 11/02/2016
E-Newsletter 11 February 2016 / Issue n°78 Europe: 1st Call for Urban Innovative Actions prioritises migrant integration Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) is an Initiative of the European Commission that provides urban areas throughout Europe with resources to test new and…
European Web Site on Integration’s newsletter – 13/01/2016
E-Newsletter 13 January 2016 / Issue 77 WELCOME! This is the 77th issue of the European Web Site on Integration‘s newsletter. Every month, the Editorial team of the European Web Site on Integration sends you a selection of content recently published…
CfA: Olympia Summer Academy, Nafplio, Greece
Olympia Summer Academy | July 11-21, 2016, Nafplio, Greece The Olympia Summer Academy (OSA) and the European International Studies Association (EISA) are pleased to announce a unique educational opportunity for graduate students, junior researchers and practitioners: the 2016 Olympia Summer Academy…
50 free eprint versions of article on Educational performance of children of migrant parents in Ghana, Nigeria and Angola by V. Cebotari and V. Mazzucato
Cebotari, V. and V. Mazzucato (2015). Educational performance of children of migrant parents in Ghana, Nigeria and Angola. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Online first. Abstract: There is no empirical research on the school performance of children who live separated…
UNU Newsletter on Migration 06/01/2016
UNU Newsletter on Migration, 06/01/2016