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Be prepared for the unexpected: The gap between (im)mobility intentions and subsequent behaviour of recent higher education graduates.

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The intergenerational impact of naturalisation reforms: the citizenship status of children of immigrants in the Netherlands, 1995–2016

Abstract: For many children of immigrants to Europe, being born in a European country does not give them rights of citizenship. To acquire citizenship of the country of their birth, they typically rely on their parents’ naturalisation. While many European…

Expanding transnational care networks: comparing caring for families with caring for homes.

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Educational mismatches for second generation migrants. An analysis of applied science graduates in the Netherlands.

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How do refugees affect social life in host communities? The case of Congolese refugees in Rwanda

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A ticket to mobility? Naturalisation and subsequent migration of refugees after obtaining asylum in the Netherlands

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Netherlands National Report 2018 – Baseline report on the integration of beneficiaries of international protection in the Netherlands

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The Cost of Non-Europe in the Area of Legal Migration

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Human Rights Aspects of Immigrant and Refugee Integration Policies

Carrera, S. and Vankova, Z. (2019): “Human Rights Aspects of Immigrant and Refugee Integration Policies”. A comparative assessment in selected Council of Europe member states at the request of the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Migration and Refugees…