New publication: Conditionality, Compensation, or Both? Comparative Experiences of Third-Country Cooperation on Migration with the EU

McGregor, E., Godin, M., Jumbert, M. G., & Ike, N. (2025). Conditionality, Compensation, or Both? Comparative Experiences of Third-Country Cooperation on Migration with the EU. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 1–15. Abstract: Since the late 1990s, the EU…

New publication: Migration Governance Through Funding: Theoretical, Normative, and Empirical Perspectives

Tsourdi, E. (Lilian), & Zardo, F. (2025). Migration Governance Through Funding: Theoretical, Normative, and Empirical Perspectives. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 1–15. Abstract: This special issue explores migration governance through funding while providing unique empirical insights into its…

New publication: Phoning Home: Migrant Youths’ Digital Mediations of Embodied Mobility

Ogden, L. J. (2024). Phoning Home: Migrant Youths’ Digital Mediations of Embodied Mobility. Current Anthropology, 65(6). Abstract: This collection of images explores how migrant youth digitally mediate the embodied experience of transnational mobility. Emerging from multisited and multimodal ethnographic…

New publication: Navigating contradictions: justifications and imaginaries of the initiators of European migration information campaigns

Schenetti, C., Mazzucato, V., Wyatt, S., & Schans, D. (2024). Navigating contradictions: justifications and imaginaries of the initiators of European migration information campaigns. International Migration. Abstract: European states employ migration information campaigns (MICs) to discourage irregular migration to Europe…

New publication: Alternating temporalities experienced by North African unaccompanied minors in The Netherlands: a story of waiting and hypermobility

Naami, M., Mazzucato, V., & Kuschminder, K. (2024). Alternating temporalities experienced by North African unaccompanied minors in The Netherlands: a story of waiting and hypermobility. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 1–19. Abstract Migration regimes in the Global North…

New publication: Migrant money and political unrest: Remittances and Support for Protest in Latin America and the Caribbean

López García, A.I. (2024) Migrant money and political unrest: Remittances and Support for Protest in Latin America and the Caribbean. International Migration, 00, 1–20. Available from: Abstract How does receiving remittances from abroad influence support for protest participation in…

Report: ILO Global Study on Recruitment Fees and Related Costs: Second Edition

The second edition of the Global Study is a review of 110 countries across all five regions to document current regulatory approaches and experience on the recruitment fees and related costs. It assesses progress, challenges, and regulatory gaps and offers…

Blog: Funding the New Pact on Migration and Asylum: Symbolic Politics or Structural Shifts in the Policies’ Implementation Design?

Lilian Tsourdi has published a blog on ‘Funding the New Pact on Migration and Asylum: Symbolic Politics or Structural Shifts in the Policies’ Implementation Design?’. In her contribution, Lilian, first provides a brief critical overview of the funding component of…

Blog: Managing Migration the Italian Way: The “Innovative” Italy-Albania Deal under Scrutiny

Andreina De Leo has published a blog on “Managing Migration the Italian Way: The “Innovative” Italy-Albania Deal under Scrutiny. In 2023, Italy and Albania concluded a Protocol that allows Italy both to process asylum applications through an accelerated border procedure lasting…

How fit is the available data on irregular migration for policymaking?

This policy brief, produced as part of the Horizon Europe MIrreM Project, is aimed at those engaged in evidence-based policymaking on irregular migration, providing an assessment and tips for use of available data on irregular migration. Evidence-based policymaking is often…