Looking back at the annual MACIMIDE Conference – Photos available
On September 20 the annual MACIMIDE conference took place at the Jan van Eyck Academie. It was an inspiring conference with several interesting workshops and panels where MACIMIDE researchers as well as researchers from other universities presented their work on…
MACIMIDE Global Expatriate Dual Citizenship Dataset: 2018 update
An updated version of the MACIMIDE Global Expatriate Dual Citizenship Dataset has been published, extending the dataset to 2018. The MACIMIDE Global Expatriate Dual Citizenship Dataset charts the rules that existed in near all states of the world since 1960…
Internal Kick-off Meeting: H2020 Advancing Alternative Migration Governance
On 14 and 15 February 2019, Dr. Katie Kuschminder andProf. Melissa Siegel will be participating in the internal kick-off meeting of the H2020 project ‘Advancing Alternative Migration Governance’ (ADMIGOV) in Amsterdam. UNU-MERIT and its School of Governance contribute to this project as…
GIZ Project: Pakistani Diaspora in Germany
A team of researchers from UNU-MERIT and its School of Governance were recently commissioned by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH to quantitatively and qualitatively analyse the Pakistani diaspora in Germany. The project recognises that diasporas are heterogeneous and complex, as they…
WUN Project: Memorials to people who have died and to those missing during migration
Dr. Katie Kuschminder will be a team member in the “Memorials to people who have died and to those missing during migration: a global project” led by Ann Singleton (University of Bristol) and funded by the Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) Research…
TI Project: Women’s Political Participation and Corruption
A team of researchers at UNU-MERIT and its School of Governance has been mandated by Transparency International (TI) to conduct a study on female politicians’ engagement in the fight against corruption. The overarching aim of this project is to generate…
Improving Migration Management in the Silk Routes
On 04-05 December 2018, the Iraqi Government organised the second drafting workshop for a ‘Policy on Engagement with Iraqis Abroad’ in Baghdad. The purpose of the second drafting workshop was to support the Iraqi government in drafting a ‘Policy on…
Marie de Somer awarded Honorable Mention Ernst B. Haas Best Dissertation Prize
Marie De Somer received the ‘Ernst B. Haas Best Dissertation Award – Honorable Mention’ for her dissertation on the EU Court of Justice and its role in the area of EU immigration law. Awarded by APSA, the American Political Science…
25 Years Maastricht Treaty
25 YEARS MAASTRICHT TREATY. ‘CELEBRATING THE SUCCESSES AND FACING THE CHALLENGES’ Draft programme Location: Gouvernement aan de Maas, Limburglaan 10, 6229 GA Randwyck-Maastricht (Faculty of Law) 09.00 – 09.45 Registration 09.15 – 09.45 Coffee/Tea 10.00 – 10.05 Opening Martin Unfried, Maastricht University,…
Prof. Dr. Arjen Leerkes’ Inaugural Lecture
On Friday 23 November at 16:30 hrs, Prof. Dr. Arjen Leerkes, chair in ‘Migration, Securitization and Social Cohesion’, at the Faculty of Science and Engineering, will give his inaugural lecture on the following topic: ‘Understanding international (im)mobility in times of…