Calls for papers: 1st Annual Workshop – White Rose Migration Research Postgraduate Network

White Rose
Social Science DTC
Universities of Leeds, Sheffield and York

Migration Research University of Sheffield

White Rose Migration Research Postgraduate Network
1st Postgraduate Workshop on Migration: “Reframing the Migration Debate”
ICoSS, University of Sheffield, 11th June 2015

Keynote Speaker:
Professor Andrew Geddes (Politics Department, University of Sheffield)

The White Rose Migration Research Postgraduate Network, in collaboration with The University of Sheffield Migration Research Group, invites submissions for the 1st Postgraduate Workshop on Migration. The aim of the workshop is to provide a space of discussion and dissemination for early career researchers (either doctoral or postdoctoral researchers) working on different topics and across different disciplines in relation to migration. This will be an opportunity to showcase your research, preliminary research findings and any other ‘work in progress’ with a critically engaged audience from across the White Rose Universities. This workshop will facilitate the development of networks and foster future research collaborations and is open to participants from all Universities.

This year the workshop is inviting postgraduate students and early career researchers from different disciplines to critically discuss and reflect about different aspects of migrants’ experiences. With an increase in restrictive policies, the perceived need to secure borders and anti-migrant sentiment, this workshop extends an invitation to researchers, who wish to challenge pejorative migrant discourses through engagement in a comprehensive discussion of migrants displacement and the integration process into a new ‘place’. We are interested in papers that contribute to “reframing the migration debate”, with innovative approaches that allow us to explore migrants citizenship, contribution and resistance in the context of the challenges they face. Suggested topics include, but are in no way limited to:

• Migrants as active citizens exercising agency.
• Challenges to migrants’ ability to contribute to society, such as the impact of migration on capital and subsequently integration.
• Relationship between governance, the management of migration and integration.
• New dynamics and patterns of migration.
• Exploration of the role played by different institutions in civil society in relation to migration flows e.g. the media, NGO’s, etc.
• Alternative theoretical/empirical perspectives on migration.

Abstracts in all areas of migration and from all disciplines will be considered. The workshop welcomes research and work in progress about broad heterogeneous groups including documented, undocumented and forced migrants.

Abstract submission

Abstracts should be no longer than 300 words and should be submitted via the following link by 15th March 2015:
(If the link is broken please copy and paste in your browser)

Conference registration deadline: 30th April 2015

All students planning to attend the workshop to join the discussion should register via the link below
(If the link is broken please copy and paste in your browser)

*The event is FREE to all attendants, and lunch and refreshments will be provided. However, participants will be responsible for covering their own travel costs.

*There will be a limited number of travel grants available for accepted abstracts.

If you have any questions please contact Michaela Bruckmayer ( or Marcia Vera (