Call for Presentations: 3rd IZA/World Bank/NJD:UNU-WIDER Jobs and Development Conference “Better Jobs for Development”
The IZA/DFID Program on Gender, Growth and Labour Markets in Low-Income Countries (G²LM|LIC) is having a Special Session at the 3rd IZA/World Bank/NJD/UNU-WIDER Jobs and Development Conference “Better Jobs for Development” on May 21-22, 2020 in Warsaw, Poland.
If you would like to give a presentation on your G²LM|LIC project, kindly apply by using the application form (
The Application Deadline is February 29, 2020. (Notifications will be sent by March 10, 2020.)
IZA will cover your travel expenses according to the IZA reimbursement guidelines and accommodation up to 3 nights (May 20-23, 2020). Kindly note that tax regulations prohibit IZA from fully reimbursing the travel expenses of participants who combine their trip with other destinations or extend their stay beyond the four-day window surrounding the event
Please be sure before applying that your visa status will allow you to attend the event.