Call for papers: Migration Research Series / Migrant Smuggling Dynamics and Impacts

Deadline for Submission: 15 December 2016

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The IOM’s forthcoming Migrant Smuggling Data and Research: A global review of the emerging evidence base presents a unique review of what is being collected and what can be done to further build the evidence base on migrant smuggling globally. The report is the result of a collaboration between the IOM and researchers from a range of backgrounds and academic disciplines, and was supported by the Government of Turkey.

The report shows that important research has been undertaken on the transnational crime aspects of migrant smuggling, including on routes, smuggling organization (such as criminal networking and facilitation), smuggler profiles and fees/payment. Likewise, there is an emerging academic literature on migrant smuggling, particularly the economic and social processes involved in smuggling, which has largely been based on small-scale qualitative research, mostly undertaken by early career researchers. Contributions from private research companies, as well as investigative journalists, have provided useful insights in some regions, helping to shed light on smuggling practices. There remains, however, sizeable gaps in research and data, particularly in relation to migration patterns and processes linked to migrant smuggling, including its impact on migrants (particularly vulnerability, abuse and exploitation), as well as its impact on irregular migration flows (such as increasing scale, diversity and changes in geography). Addressing these systemic and regional gaps in data and research would help deepen understanding of the smuggling phenomenon, and provide further insights into how responses can be formulated that better protect migrants while enhancing States’ abilities to manage orderly migration.

In its support of further research on migrant smuggling, IOM is calling for papers on migrant smuggling dynamics and impacts to be published as part of its Migration Research Series. IOM welcomes articles that report empirical research findings, and is particularly interested in mixed methods research. Articles on the impacts on migrants and their communities, geographic regions that have traditionally been under-researched and/or the role of technology in smuggling will be favourably regarded.  In addition to addressing research methods and findings, articles should include discussion of both research and policy implications.

The Migration Research Series was launched in 2000 as a means to share the results of research studies conducted by the IOM’s research unit, IOM country offices, and external experts to a diverse audience quickly. Publications in the MRS cover a wide range of topics such as combatting trafficking, return and reintegration of asylum seekers and refugees, the role of migration and return to promote development, remittance utilization, and the role of diasporas as development partners.

  • Deadline for submission: 15 December 2016
  • Word limit: 5,000 words, including references and an abstract. Please refrain from using footnotes as much as possible.
  • Articles short-listed for possible publication will be peer reviewed.
  • Up to 6 articles on migrant smuggling will be published as part of the Migration Research Series.

Migration Research Series Editor: Marie McAuliffe, Head, Migration Policy Research Division