Call for Papers – Immigration and Migration issues in Encyclopedia on Contemporary Issues and People of Color
(Edited Volume of Reference Encyclopedia on Contemporary Issues and People of Color by ABC-CLIO/Greenwood)
As part of a five-volume reference encyclopedia examining contemporary issues that people of color experience in the United States, this Call for Papers for Volume 5 focuses on immigration and migration. This includes original essays and debate questions.
We are particularly interested in essays accessible to advanced high school and early college / university students based on humanistic perspectives within the context of an increasingly globalized world, where goods, services and people regularly cross international borders. Content essays will address key issues of contemporary life in regards to economics, housing, immigration / migration, employment and education. This A—Z reference work will be useful in providing educational information for a variety of course standards (geography, economics, history, social studies, etc.) for campuses and academic libraries.
Types of Papers: Essays (original essays, based on new or previous research) or Debate Questions (see below).
Length for Essays: 2,000-2,500 words.
Topics for Essays: See below topics, which are not limited to Latina/o immigrants. We are open to alternative, immigration-related topics.
Submission Process: Submit essays with subject interest to any of the following co-editors:
- Dr. Alvaro Huerta (
- Dr. Norma Iglesias-Prieto (
- Dr. Donathan Brown (
Extended Submission Deadline: March 25. 2015 (earlier submissions encouraged)
Debate Questions: Responses (1,000 to 1,500 words each) for below-mentioned questions consist of thesis-driven subjective essays appropriate for aforementioned target audience.
- Should the U.S. grant amnesty or legitimate pathway to citizenship to the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants?
- Should the United States Congress adopt English as the national language?
- Should the United States Congress adopt a guest-worker program?
- What are the impacts of recent immigrants to U.S. culture / society?
- The U.S. is considered by many scholars and others a laboratory of global migration trends; thus, what is the Unites States’ role or example in the global migration debate?
Note: While we encourage single-authors, we also accept co-authors.
Guidelines: Guidelines will be sent to contributors, upon being accepted for one or more essays.
Compensation: Writing credit and free access to the e-book for two years. Also, for each entry, contributor receives $50 in cash or $150 in ABC-CLIO products of choice.
- Circulation of Human Capital
- Citizenship and Naturalization
- Criminalization and Dehumanization Processes of Migrants
- Drug Cartels and Immigration
- Environmental Justice and Immigration
- Family Immigration
- Gender and Sexuality and immigration
- Globalization
- Health and Immigration
- Homeland Security
- Human Trafficking (including sex slave trade)
- Immigration Laws and Policy
- Immigration Reform
- Indigenous Immigrants
- Labor Markets and Immigration
- Language Rights, Discrimination and Immigration
- Laws, Legal Debates and Immigration
- Low-skilled Workers
- LBGT and Immigration
- Music and Immigration
- Official Language Laws
- Private Detention Centers
- Racial Profiling and Immigrant Laws
- Pathways to Citizenship
- Push-pull Factors of Immigration
- Re-conceptualization of Borders
- Refugees (geographic origins and causation)
- Remittances (Migrants as Economic Forces, etc.)
- Social Movements and Immigration
- Supreme Court case: Arizona v. United States
- Undocumented Workers
- Warfare and Immigration
- Working-class and Immigration
- Open for entry not listed above
(Updated as of: February 24, 2015)