Call for manuscripts – Family Science Review issue on immigrant families.
The journal Family Science Review has a special issue planned, themed “Immigrant Families over the Life Course,” and editors are seeking manuscript submissions by Feb. 27, 2015. For more information, please visit: Submit by Feb. 27, 2015.
International Conference on Population Geographies 2015: The Spatial Dimensions of Population, 30 June to 3 July 2015, to be held at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. The deadline for submissions is Monday 16th February 2015. Papers are invited from many fields of spatial demography, including Migration and development, Ethnicity and segregation, Migration and the environment, Households and housing, Demography of the life course, Fertility and the family, Towards the end: death and dying, Indigenous populations, Official statistics, Exploiting big data, Data visualisation and communication, Demographic projections, Applications of demography, and Population health. Abstracts for papers and posters should be around 250 words and include the title, authors, affiliations, and contact email, and be sent to For all other aspects of the conference, contact Other essential details of the conference including venue, accommodation, and travel will be made available progressively on the Conference website at:
The Health Initiative of the Americas, School of Public Health at UC Berkeley invites you to submit a manuscript addressing determinants of health among migrant populations living in the U.S. or other countries for a special issue in the Family and Community Health Journal. Empirical analyses are preferred, although insightful theoretical and systematic literature reviews will be considered. Submissions should be made before April 1, 2015. Please see the instructions for authors at (direct the submission to Volume 39, Issue 1).