Call for Abstracts: Dutch Demography Day – 25 November 2015
On Wednesday 25 November 2015, the Netherlands Demographic Society (NVD) is organizing the 8th Dutch Demography Day in the Academy Building of Utrecht University. At the Demography Day 2015 the most recent findings in the broad and interdisciplinary field of population studies will be presented. The scientific program of the Dutch Demography Day 2015 offers great opportunities for demographers, economists, sociologists, geographers, psychologists, epidemiologists, historians, and other professionals who work in this exciting field to present and discuss their work.
During the plenary session professor Tomáš Sobotka (Vienna Institute of Demography, Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital) will give a keynote presentation on “European fertility: continuity and reversals”. The scientific program of the Dutch Demography Day 2015 comprises several rounds of both English and Dutch language parallel sessions and a special Poster session.
Call for Abstracts: deadline 14 August 2015
Abstracts (maximum of 200 words) can be submitted until Friday 14 August 2015 through our website<>. The Dutch Demography Day addresses the full range of the interdisciplinary field of population studies, including population trends, their backgrounds and consequences. Both qualitative and quantitative studies on fertility, family formation, partner choice, households, migration and migrants, morbidity and mortality, health and care, families and generations, population ageing and longevity, population growth and decline, population projections and policies are invited. Participants will be informed by mid-September at the latest if their abstract has been accepted for presentation in one of the parallel sessions or in the poster session. Participants may choose to only present a poster.
NIDI Master Thesis Award 2015
At the Dutch Demography Day 2015 the NIDI Master Thesis Award will be presented to the best master thesis in population studies. The Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) sponsors this award with a €500 prize. Please check the rules of play for this award at our website<>. Master theses can be submitted until Wednesday 30 September 2015 at<>.
NVD Poster Award 2015
This year the NVD introduces the NVD Poster Award. This Award will be presented to the poster which best presents and visualizes the results of population research at the Dutch Demography Day 2015. The NVD sponsors this award with a €100 prize. Posters will be judged at the Dutch Demography Day.
Your registration is due by 1 November at the latest on<>. The available space is limited, so early registration is advised. For more information please consult our website, or contact us at<>.