Bulletin of the Child Migration Research Network (CMRN) – March 2015
Welcome to the events bulletin for the Child Migration Research Network (CMRN) for March 2015.
This bulletin contains information on upcoming events that we hope will be of interest – including an upcoming event this Friday, 6 March, that will mark International Women’s Day. A separate bulletin detailing new resources added to the CMRN site will be sent next week.
If you are interested in adding your work to the CMRN resource catalogue go to http://www.childmigration.net/Contribute. You can also email us about upcoming events you’d like us to add to the site at info@childmigration.net.
Upcoming Events
1. Labour Trafficking: Understanding the use of brokers in women’s and girls’ labour migration in the global South
Summary: In celebration of International Women’s Day 2015 on 6 March, the Migrating out of Poverty Research Programme Consortium will host a panel debate on trafficking in the global South at the University of Sussex. Using examples from research and policy interventions, panellists will take a critical view of trafficking discourses and the impact on female migrants of different ages to address the following questions:
• In which cases do anti-trafficking measures have positive outcomes for women and girls migrating to work?
• In which situations do concerns about trafficking gloss over women’s and girls’ agency in making decisions about migration, the trade-offs between different options, and navigation of the context in which they live?
• Do we need different types of intervention to increase the protection of female labour migrants of different ages?
Confirmed speakers:
• Dr Priya Deshingkar, Migrating out of Poverty, University of Sussex
• Dr Ligia Kiss, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
• Mike Dottridge, Expert on child migration and anti-trafficking policies
A livestream of the event will be available on the Migrating out of Poverty website.
More inforation: http://www.childmigration.net/RPC_Gender_Event
2. Call for Papers, ‘Gendered Dimensions of Migration: Material and social outcomes of South-South migration’
Summary: Papers, films and multi-media presentations are invited for this Migrating out of Poverty Research Programme Consortium conference, which will take place 30 June – 2 July 2015, in Singapore. Panels will explore links between gender and labour migration in the South via papers, films and multi-media presentations. The key themes are: Gender dynamics in labour markets; Labour and migration regimes; Expectations and moralities surrounding remittances. Abstracts of 250 words or less should be submitted to D.Thorsen@sussex.ac.uk and rpctemp@sussex.ac.uk by 6 March 2015.
More details: http://www.childmigration.net/Call_for_Papers_Gendered_Dimensions_of_Migration_Conference
3. Call for Papers, Children and Forced Migration edited volume
Summary: Contributions are invited for an edited volume on “Children and Forced Migration: Durable Solutions during Transient Years”. We are particularly interested in chapters addressing the topics of Repatriation and (Re)integration, as well as Non-Traditional Forms of Forced Migration, as we have already secured chapters by a number of prominent migration scholars on other “durable solutions” themes. We will, however, also consider papers on other relevant topics. Interested authors are asked to send a provisional title and abstract (300-400 words) by email to Marisa O. Ensor (marisaensor@yahoo.com) and Elzbieta M. Gozdziak (emg27@georgetown.edu).
More details: http://www.childmigration.net/CFP_Children_and_Forced_Migration