23/09/2024 – MACIMIDE Annual Conference – Final Programme Now Available
The final programme with abstracts is now available. Please see here: MACIMIDE2024 Conference Booklet_Final In addition to panel presentations on a variety of themes, we are honoured to host Professor and MEP Tineke Strik, who will give the keynote speech,…
18/09/2024 – GTD Colloquium with Dr. Romina Istratii
The Globalisation, Transnationalism, and Development (GTD) Research Group at FASoS, Maastricht University invites you its Fall Colloquium Series. The first session is on Wednesday, 18 Sept. 2024, 15:30 to 17:00 at Spiegelzaal, FASoS featuring: Dr. Romina Istratii Dr Romina Istratii…
New publication: Migrant remittances and local taxes in Latin America
López García A. I. (2024) Migrant remittances and local taxes in Latin America Governance and Local Development Institute. University of Gothenburg. Working Paper No. 72. https://gld.gu.se/en/publications/gld-working-papers/wp74-migrant-remittances-and-local-taxes-in-latin-america/
New publication: Multidirectional mistrust: German female volunteers’ emotion work in the context of male deportation and return from Europe to Senegal
Strijbosch K. (2024) Multidirectional mistrust: German female volunteers’ emotion work in the context of male deportation and return from Europe to Senegal Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1080/1369183X.2024.2377861
26-27/09/2024 – TEIN Conference 2024: The Future of Cross-Border Cooperation and Mobility – Horizontal Integration and Beyond
This 2-day Conference co-organised by the Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross-border cooperation and Mobility (ITEM) as well as the Transfrontier Euro-Institut Network (TEIN) and supported by the Borders in Globalization-21st century project, addresses the practical challenges and prospects of…
Save the dates: ITEM Studium Generale Lecture Series on European Integration at the Border
On the occasion of our 10th anniversary, in cooperation with Studium Generale, ITEM organises a lecture series in which we look back at 10 years of developments in cross-border cooperation and mobility. We also look ahead to the next 10…
Two new videos out on effects of migration policies and involuntary immobility by Melissa Siegel
Why Many Policies to Lower Migration Actually Increase It This video covers why policies to lower migration often do not have the intended effect. What is Involuntary Immobility? This video explores the concept of involuntary immobility.
Vacancy: Pre- or Post-doctoral Researcher for NWO-funded Project “Digital Skills and Labour Market Integration of Female Refugees in the Netherlands”
The University of Nijmegen is currently seeking a part-time pre- or post-doctoral researcher for an NWO-funded project titled “Digital Skills and Labour Market Integration of Female Refugees in the Netherlands.” General information: The contract offered is a part-time position (approx….
17/09/2024 – EMN-RED CROSS EU WEBINAR: Practices and challenges in processing victims of torture and ill-treatment in the context of international and temporary protection
On behalf of the EMN and the Red Cross EU Office, we are pleased to invite you to the launch event unveiling our new Inform on ‘Practices and challenges in processing victims of torture and ill-treatment in the context of international and temporary protection’ on 17 September…
19-21/09/2024 – 3rd JDC Research Conference on Forced Displacement
3rd Research Conference on Forced Displacement Date: September 19-21, 2024 Location: Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire and Online Details online: https://www.jointdatacenter.org/news-and-events/3rd-research-conference-on-forced-displacement/ Lire en Français: https://www.jointdatacenter.org/fr-3eme-conference-de-recherche-sur-les-deplacements-forces/ Organized in collaboration with the UN Refugee Agency, the World Bank and the African School of Economics…