Applications are now open for the MiReKoc International Summer School 2021 hosted in Collaboration with IMISCOE
This year, Migration Research Center at Koc University (MiReKoc) collaborates with International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe (IMISCOE) to organize the 10th MiReKoc International Summer School, which will be held between October 11-22, 2021 at Koç University, Istanbul on the theme of “Research Methods and Ethics in Migration Studies” offering a hybrid model for both face-to-face and online.
The program of 10th MiReKoc Summer School reflects the importance of methodological debates. Researchers studying migration come from various social science disciplines and may draw on different epistemologies and methods. In an effort to engage with these diverse issues, the 10th MiReKoc Summer School will focus on methodologies and ethics in migrations studies through various sessions and lectures that bring together international scholars and PhD students working on migration issues. In celebration of the milestone 10th MiReKoc International Summer School, MiReKoc is collaborating and co-branding with IMISCOE. This year’s Summer School includes lectures and sessions exploring different themes focusing on both qualitative and quantitative methods including ethnography, participatory methods, urban mapping, network analysis, big data, visual methods and social media methodologies as well as ethics in migration research to offer a space for scholars and participants to reflect on methodological challenges and opportunities.
The Summer School is designed for PhD and graduate students as well as junior experts in the field. The programme includes two weeks of lectures, lab sessions and discussion sessions which will be led by distinguished international faculty members and experts in the field. The participants will have the chance of sharing their research agendas and ideas with these scholars in an interactive environment. The language of the Summer School is English. The fee for face-to-face participation to the program is 1500 Euros covering lectures, course materials, food and accommodation. The hybrid model offers other alternatives including online participation and face-to-face with an option without accomodation. The fee for each preference changes accordingly and detailed in our website. Only some partial scholarships are available for those who are unable to make full payment. A certificate is provided upon successful completion of the programme. Additional requirements are required on those participants who seek course credit.
For more information, please visit
Early application period ends GMT on 21 June 2021. Deadline for late application is midnight GMT on 23 July 2021. For more information click here.