Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development (MACIMIDE) was set up at Maastricht University by an interdisciplinary group of scholars from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, the Faculty of Science and Engineering, the Faculty of Law, and the School of Business and Economics. Building on and expanding the existing successful interfaculty collaboration initiatives, MACIMIDE is an expert centre on cross-border mobility, citizenship, transnationalism, migration and development. The Centre is grounded in the Euregion, but focused on a globalizing world.
MACIMIDE Executive Board
- Prof. Gerard-René de Groot (Faculty of Law), Co-Director
- Dr Barbara Belfi (School of Business and Economics)
- Prof. Valentina Mazzucato (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences), Research Theme Leader: Transnational Families and Youth
- Prof. Hildegard Schneider (Faculty of Law), Research Theme Leader: Cross-border Mobility
- Prof. Melissa Siegel (Maastricht Graduate School of Governance & UNU-MERIT), Co-Director, Research Theme Leader: Migration and Development
- Dr Karlijn Haagsman (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences), Co-Director
- Prof. Anja Krumeich (Maastricht Centre for Global Health)
MACIMIDE International Advisory Board
- Prof. Rainer Bauböck (European University Institute)
- Prof. Richard Black (University of Sussex)
- Prof. Jørgen Carling (Peace Research Institute Oslo)
- Dr. Sergio Carrera (Centre for European Policy Studies)
- Mr. Ger Essers (European Trade Union Confederation)
- Prof. Thomas Faist (University of Bielefeld)
- Prof. Petra Foubert (University of Hasselt)
- Prof. Peggy Levitt (Wellesley College and Harvard University)
- Prof. Marco Martiniello (University of Liege)
- Dr. David McKenzie (World Bank)
- Dr. Michaela Pelican (University of Cologne)
- Prof. Pirkko Pitkänen (University of Tampere)
- Prof. Peter Rodrigues (Leiden University)
- Prof. Patrick Wautelet (University of Liege)