Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development (MACIMIDE) is the interdisciplinary research platform of Maastricht University that brings together scholars working in the fields of migration, mobility, citizenship, development and family life. MACIMIDE combines various research lines across different Faculties of Maastricht University in order to contribute to a better understanding of the dynamics and consequences of transnational migration and mobility in a European and global context. Read more about MACIMIDE.
Migration and Development |
Cross-border Mobility |
Transnational Families and Youth |
Citizenship and Immigrant Integration |
Latest Posts
- 12/02/2025: UNU-MERIT Migration Seminar Series – Trust Beyond Borders: The Role of Non-State Actors in Shaping Immigration Preferences
- New video on the Principle of Non-Refoulement by Melissa Siegel
- New publications: JEMS Special Issue on Transnational Youth Mobility through Trajectories and Temporalities
Migration and Development
- Katie Kuschminder & Talitha Dubow. (2022) Moral Exclusion, Dehumanisation, and Continued Resistance to Return: Experiences of Refused Afghan Asylum Seekers in the Netherlands. Geopolitics. DOI: 10.1080/14650045.2022.2055462
- Fransen, S. and de Haas, H. (2022) Trends and Patterns of Global Refugee Migration. Population and Development Review.
Cross-Border Mobility
- 2022). Breakdowns and assemblages: Including machine-actants in sociolinguistic ethnographies of blue-collar work environments. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 00, 1– 21. (
- Dubow, T. and Kuschminder, K. (2022) Despite Enforced Destitution, Refused Afghan Asylum-Seekers Continue to Resist Return. Border Criminologies.
Transnational Families and Youth
- Raturi, R., & V. Cebotari (2022). The impact of parental migration on psychological well-being of children in Ghana. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
- Anschütz, S. (2022). Extraordinary everydayness: Young people’s affective engagements with the country of origin through digital media and transnational mobility. Global Networks.
- Anschütz, S. & Mazzucato, V. (2022). Travel and personal growth: the value of visits to the country of origin for transnational migrant youth. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education.
Citizenship and Immigrant Integration
- Siruno, L., Swerts, T., and Leerkes, A. (2022). Personal Recognition Strategies of Undocumented Migrant Domestic Workers in The Netherlands. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies.
- Diker E., Röder S., Khalaf M., Merkle O., Andersson L., and Fransen S. (2022) Comparative Reintegration Outcomes Between Forced and Voluntary Returns and Through a Gender Perspective. International Organisation for Migration. Find here.
- De Groot, G-R. (2021) Analysis of current practices and challenges regarding the avoidance and reduction of statelessness in Europe. Council of Europe CDCJ-GT-APA (2019)3, 18 p. / (update of 558a). (en/fr)