APSA Migration & Citizenship Awards-Solicitation of Nominations
The Migration and Citizenship Section welcomes nominations and self-nominations for awards for (1) Best Book; (2) Best Article; (3) Best Dissertation; (4) Best Book Chapter; and, (5) Best Paper presented at APSA the preceding year (2017).
Section membership is not required for consideration (but we encourage you to become a Section member if you aren’t one already)!
Book Award: Award for best book on migration and/or citizenship published in the previous year (i.e., copyright and printed in 2017). Publishers or other nominators should send one hard copy of a book published (i.e., printed; either paperback or hardback) in 2017 to each committee member by March 16, 2018. Edited volumes are not eligible for the book award.
Best Book Award Selection Committee 2018:
Terri Givens (Chair)
Menlo College
1000 El Camino Real, Atherton, CA 94027-4301
Mary McThomas
Department of Political Science
University of California, Irvine
SSPB 5285
3151 Social Science Plaza
Mail Code: 5100
Irvine, CA 92697
Filiz Garip
Department of Sociology
Cornell University
348 Uris Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
Article Award: Award for best article on migration and/or citizenship published (i.e., printed) in the previous calendar year. Send one electronic copy of an article published (i.e., printed) in 2017 to each committee member by March 16, 2018.
Best Article Award Selection Committee 2018:
Maarten Vink (Chair)
Maastricht University
Elizabeth Cohen
Syracuse University
Jamie Monogan
University of Georgia
Dissertation Award: Award for best dissertation on migration and/or citizenship accepted in the previous calendar year. Send one electronic copy of a dissertation accepted in 2017 AND a dissertation abstract to each committee member. Nominees should also request their advisor to send an electronic letter of recommendation to the award committee chair. All materials are due March 16, 2018.
Best Dissertation Award Selection Committee 2018:
Jeremy Ferwerda (Chair)
Dartmouth College
Katrina Burgess
Tufts University
Fanny Lauby
William Paterson University
Book Chapter Award
Award for best book chapter on migration and/or citizenship published (i.e., printed) in the previous calendar year. Send one electronic copy of a book chapter published (i.e., printed) in 2017 to each committee member by March 16, 2018.
Best Chapter Award Selection Committee 2018:
Matthew Wright (Chair)
American University
Antje Ellermann
University of British Columbia
Anna Sampaio
Santa Clara University
Paper Award
Award for best paper on migration and/or citizenship presented at the 2017 APSA Annual Meeting (either as part of a panel or poster session). Send one electronic copy of a paper presented at APSA 2017 to each committee member by March 16, 2018.
Best Paper Award Selection Committee 2018:
Saskia Bonjour (Chair)
University of Amsterdam
Charlotte Cavaille
Georgetown University
Jacqueline Chattopadhyay
University of North Carolina, Charlotte