4/12: DAMR CMR Webinar ‘Schengen, free movement and crises’
Centre for Migration Law, Radboud University, the Netherlands
4 December 2020
Schengen, free movement and crises
Links, effects and future challenges
This webinar addresses the relationship between Schengen and the free movement regime in the context of two crises: the so-called 2015 migration crisis that led to the reintroduction of internal border controls to deal with pressures at the external borders of the EU, including secondary movements, and the 2020 Covid-19 crisis that prompted the majority of Schengen states to reintroduce internal border controls as part of their efforts to contain the spread of the pandemic. If crises are also productive moments that lead to new forms of governance and new practices, what sort of mobility regime is coming out of the 2015 and 2020 crises?
Welcome (15.00-15.10)
Paul Minderhoud & Sandra Mantu
Part I: Derogations from Schengen: the new normal? (15.10-16.00)
Stefano Montaldo (Universita degli studi di Torino)
Reintroduction of internal border control in times of crises: Is Schengen fit for purpose?
Elspeth Guild (Queen Mary & Radboud University))
Schengen borders and multiple national states of emergency: from terrorism to covid19
Tineke Strik (European Parliament & Radboud University)
The future of Schengen: new rules, more compliance or muddling through?
Part II: Schengen, digital borders and security (16.10-17.00)
Julien Jeandesboz (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
‘Ceci n’est pas un contrôle’: API/PNR and the infrastructural reconfiguration of the borderless Schengen area
Niovi Vavoula (Queen Mary)
The Datafication of Mobility in the Schengen Area: Information Systems, Human Rights and the Risky Foreigner
Evelien Brouwer (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Schengen and the exclusion of ‘public order and security risks’
Please register by sending an email to: cmr-rechtssociologie@ru.nl (Ms. Babette Janssen). The link to the webinar will be sent after registration.
Funding: This event is part of CIMIS (Citizenship, Migration and Security), the CMR’s Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence work programme 2018-2021. CIMIS is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (contract number 599736-EPP-1-2018-1-NL-EPPJMO-COE)