28/10/2024 – Climate Change, Displacement and Gender (Online seminar)

The Women in Refugee Law (WiRL) online seminar on Climate Change, Displacement and Gender, is taking place on Zoom on Monday 28 October 3:00pm-4:15pm (UK & UTC).

The United Nations estimates that 80% of people who are displaced by the impact of climate change are women. Climate change not only affects where people live; it can exacerbate existing gender inequalities and expose women to increased risks such as SGBV. In this panel discussion we consider some of the ways that climate change specifically affects women and reflect on ways this is being addressed in refugee law, policy and practice.

Panellists include:

Visiting Research Fellow, Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford. [add detail]

Sérgio Vieira de Mello Chair of International Refugee Law, University of California College of the Law, San Francisco; Director of Policy & Advocacy, Center for Gender & Refugee Studies.

Member of Women Who AI at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Behavioural Journalism Fellow at The Atlas of Behaviour Change in Developmen