25/10/2024 – One-day Writing Workshop and Evening Panel Discussion: Conceptualising Displacement, Protection and Solutions

One-day Writing Workshop and Evening Panel Discussion: Conceptualising Displacement, Protection and Solutions

This writing workshop will bring together early career researchers (ECRs) (including PhD students) working on displacement issues from the fields of social and political sciences and law with peers from the University of London, University of Edinburgh, and editors from the Refugee Survey Quarterly(Opens in new window).

The event is an excellent opportunity for ECRs to obtain constructive feedback on draft writing samples from peers and academic journal editors in a friendly space. There will also be presentations on how to publish and promote academic work within displacement related fields.

The workshop will focus on the theme of Conceptualising Displacement, Protection, and Solutions. Proposals/papers are welcomed from ECRs looking at how we understand displacement, forms of protections found at different levels of analysis (including global and ground-level approaches), and formal and informal solutions to displacement.

Selected participants will be expected to submit a draft academic article (6,000 to 8,000 words) in advance of the workshop for discussion and feedback from workshop participants. Each participant will also be required to give constructive feedback on other attendees’ submissions.

On the evening of the writing workshop, there will be an evening book launch for Refugee Reception in Southern Africa and panel discussion on the workshops themes, with  Prof Loren Landau, Dr Lucy Hovil, Dr Helidah Ogude, Dr Georgia Cole, and Dr Nicholas Maple. This evening event will be open to the public and recorded.

How to apply to the writing workshop
Please submit an abstract for your academic paper (approximately 300 words) with a cover email outlining your motivations for applying to participate in the workshop to RLI@sas.ac.uk by 17 May 2024.

Successful participants will be notified in early June 2024. Participants are expected to submit their draft workshop papers (6,000 to 8,000 words) by 1 October 2024.

There is no cost attached to the day writing workshop if selected. Some financial support with travel costs may be provided.

This is an in-person only event, and there are a limited number of spaces.  For persons unable to attend in-person in London, please note that a sister event will be run online by the University of Edinburgh in early 2025. Details of this will be circulated later in the year.

The Conceptualising Displacement, Protection, and Solutions writing workshop is being organised by Dr Nicholas Maple, Dr Georgia Cole and Dr Ann-Christin Zuntz. Do not hesitate to reach out to them if you have any queries.

Further information on how to apply can be found here: https://rli.sas.ac.uk/study-us/short-courses/one-day-writing-workshop-and-evening-panel-discussion