25/03/2021 – State of the Art Annual Meeting on “Moving across borders”
The Directorate-General for Migration (Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security), in cooperation with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is organising the 2021 State of the Art conference on Thursday 25 March. During the online event, they will address questions and discuss challenges related to various aspects of international migration and displacement policy. You can register at the conference website, where you can also find more information about the programme and workshops.
About the conference:
State of the Art (SotA) conference provides the opportunity for researchers, policy-makers, and other professionals involved in the field of migration and displacement to share knowledge and new directions in research and practice. This 8th edition of the annual SotA conference focuses on the international context of migration and displacement (policy). Despite the international character migration often has, its policy is mostly created and implemented from a national perspective.
During the conference, we aim to step out of this national frame and take a wider international view, enabling reflection on the position of the Netherlands and on Dutch (and EU) migration policies. The latest research insights on a variety of migration topics will serve as a starting point for analysing assumptions underlying migration policy and placing a predominantly short-term horizon of that same policy in a long-term perspective.
By providing a platform for discussion among Dutch and international policy-makers, researchers and practitioners, this year’s conference aims to offer directions for future policy-making. The programme consists of fourteen workshops, which address specific topics such as legal migration pathways, return migration, perspective in the region, third country cooperation and the migration-development nexus. Moreover, there are two plenary panel discussions, one on the external dimensions of EU migration policy (with Monika Sie, Philip Bob Jusu, Hugo Brady, Daan Huisinga en Joost Klaarenbeek) and the other on the impact of COVID-19 on migration (with Hanne Beirens, Monique Kremer, Marie McAuliffe, Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh and Magnus Ovilius).
There are speeches during the plenary opening and closure by the Dutch outgoing Minister for Migration, Ms Ankie Broekers-Knol (confirmed), and the Dutch outgoing Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Ms Sigrid Kaag (TBC).
Thursday 25 March 2020, from 13.30 – 16.45 CET