24/06-03/07/2024 – Summer school: Transnational childhoods in Europe

Summer school Transnational childhoods in Europe

Transnational Childhoods in Europe

Families that are geographically dispersed due to economic or forced migration; families in which a member works abroad almost continuously; families in which a (mostly) young person lives abroad for a longer period for study or internship,… Obviously, the realities of transnational families are very different.

By attending this summer school, participants will get an improved understanding of the growing, rapidly changing phenomenon and dynamics of transnational families.

  • The theoretical basis in lectures and workshops will be offered by an internationally composed team of specialized psychologists and social scientists.
  • Field visits of organizations working with transnational families, refugee families and children… will confront the participants with relevant methodologies and how to apply them in this context.
  • We promote exchanges between researchers and stakeholders from different countries, disciplines, and research communities on transnational families.

Target group

  • Students of social education who want to develop a broader view on social work and counselling work with transnational families, both on a theoretical and methodological level.
  • (Young) professionals, early career investigators and practitioners from social work and welfare organizations will be offered a specific programme during the first week (26-30 June), based on their needs. If they cannot attend the whole programme, they can choose for some specific lectures or workshops of their interest.
  • Researchers in the field of transnational families and the changing dynamics.

More information can be found here.