22-23/09/2023 – UNGA78 Virtual Side Event – Gender, Migration and the SDGs: GenMig Insights from developing countries
You’re invited to join us for this United Nations General Assembly 78 virtual side event on Gender, Migration and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Hosted by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and moderated by the Deputy Director General for Operations, Ms Ugochi Daniels, the event will address the impact of gender on migration and mobility in the context of the SDGs, highlighting perspectives from developing countries. Speakers will discuss gender-responsive policies, operations, programming, and practices for addressing gendered vulnerabilities, empowering migrants of all genders, and securing migrants’ rights, while also identifying needs and gaps in research priorities for developing countries. The event will feature speakers from government, UN, research institutions and private sector.
This virtual side event will take place on Wednesday 20 September 2023, 08:30 – 10:00 (New York) / 14:30 – 16:00 (Geneva).
Find out more and register here | Read about IOM’s GenMig Initiative here.