20/11/2024 – Conference on Building Knowledge: Temporary Protection in Europe

Together with UNHCR, Lilian Tsourdi Associate Professor at the Law Faculty of Maastricht University and EARIN Co-Chair, is co-convening a conference on ‘Building Knowledge: Temporary Protection in Europe’. The conference is taking place in Brussels on Wednesday 20th November at the International Press Club, Rue Froissart 95, 1040, and is organised in the framework of the European Academic Refugee Interdisciplinary Network (EARIN). The conference brings together universities, academics, temporary protection beneficiaries, as well as UNHCR, EU institutions and EU agencies. For the agenda and registration form please see here: https://globalcompactrefugees.org/news-stories/events/building-knowledge-temporary-protection-europe?_kx=tODKffq7BQKdTTxpXu6j2w.VYAYG5