20/04/2022 – GTD/MUSTS Colloquium

The past couple decades have seen a global and transnational turn in many of the subfields of science and technology studies, particularly anthropology and history of science and technology. While it has always been obvious that many scientific and technological actors operate within global communities and that the people and products of science and technology circulate widely, those facts are only gradually beginning to reshape the methods and topics of STS scholarship. There is, clearly, much that STS scholars can learn from fields that made the global and transnational turn long ago, and especially from fields such as migration studies and development studies that have always already made that turn. At the same time, some practitioners in those fields have made productive use of STS concepts and approaches, such as Actor-Network Theory, in recent years. Indeed, new approaches such as infrastructure studies have begun to take the spotlight by successfully synthesizing STS and global studies. One aim of this panel discussion is therefore to explore what these exchanges and syntheses mean for members of GTD and MUSTS.


Practically, here at FASoS and UM, we are seeing an increasing number of projects and initiatives – particularly the BA Global Studies – that draw on both GTD and MUSTS and on the fields they represent. How can we foster such collaborations? What do we need to know about each other – our methods, interests, literatures, audiences, ways of working, etc. – to successfully learn from each other and avoid mishaps and misunderstandings?​

The event will be held in GG80-82 Attic and by Zoom.