17-18/10/2024 – European Conference on EU Asylum Legislation After the Pact (Brussels)

The Odysseus Network organises on 17 & 18 October 2024 in Brussels at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) a European Conference on the legislations adopted on 14 May 2024 under the framework of the Pact on Migration and Asylum. The conference follows the series of posts published on the blog of the Odysseus Network. A book with the proceedings of the conference will be published in 2025.

OBJECTIVE: The conference is legally oriented and will include practical aspects in relation with the topics covered. The goal is to provide the first legal analysis of all these complex legal instruments and their interconnections.

STRUTURE: the conference will be made of six thematic sessions each introduced by a report of an academic followed by a panel with comments by practitioners from EU institutions including the Court of Justice, EU agencies like the EUAA and FRA, Member States, UNHCR and NGOs, etc.

AT THE CONFERENCE: The event is of interest for policy makers, academics, practitioners, stakeholders, EU and Member States’ officials, International Organisations and NGOs’ representatives, judges, lawyers, researchers, (PhD) students, social workers,…

Save the date and look at the Odysseus website where more information

will soon be available for registration: https://odysseus-network.eu