16-18 September: Conference on International Migration in Spain
The University of Granada (Spain) will be hosting the VIII Conference on International Migration in Spain under the title “New trends in the Spanish migration: profiles, trajectories and links with Spanish society”. Since 1997 there has been a Congress that gathers researchers from very different academic disciplines involved in the study of international migration. The next meeting will run from 16-18 September 2015 and will be organized by the Migration Institute of the University of Granada. The event will take place in the Faculty of Arts of the University of Granada. Until 30th November 2014, the conference organizers are welcoming papers on education of immigrants in the Spanish labour market, detention of foreign citizens in Spain, the social reality of the border and its impact on migration with particular attention to the Maghreb region, managing diversity, religious communities, solidarity and crisis. Read more…
Venue: VIII Congreso sobre as Migraciones Internacionales en España Instituto de Migraciones, Polígono Tecnológico Ogíjares, C/ Zamora. Parcela 111-112, Universidad de Granada, 18151 Ogíjares (Granada), España
Website: http://migraciones.ugr.es/congresomigraciones2015/index.php/en/