16/10/2024 – GTD Colloquium with Prof. Franklin Obeng-Odoom 

The Globalisation, Transnationalism, and Development (GTD) Research Group at FASoS, Maastricht University cordially invites you its Fall Colloquium Series.

The next session is on Wednesday, 16 October 2024, 15.30-17.00 at Room GG76S room 1.018, FASoS featuring:

Prof. Franklin Obeng-Odoom

Prof. Obeng-Odoom is currently Professor of Global Development Studies at the University of Helsinki, Finland. Prof. Obeng-Odoom’s research interests are centred on the political economy of development, stratification economics, urban and regional economics, natural resources and the environment, fields in which he has published six sole-authored books, including Global Migration Beyond Limits (Oxford University Press, 2022), The Commons in an Age of Uncertainty (University of Toronto Press, 2021), and Property, Institutions, and Social Stratification in Africa (Cambridge University Press, 2020),

More details, including other planned sessions are linked here: GTD Fall Colloquiua

To sign up for the GTD mailing list or get more details about a talk, please email Mahardhika (Dhika) Sjamsoe’oed Sadjad (mssadjad@maastrichtuniversity.nl).