14/11/2023 – State of the Art conference: The future in hindsight
DG Migration’s Strategy & Liaison Team is pleased to invite you to the annual State of the Art conference. The conference aims to facilitate the conversation on key migration issues among scholars, policymakers and other professionals in the field of migration. The goal of the conference is to bring these different groups together and to exchange knowledge through dialogue and reflection.
This year’s theme is The Future in Hindsight with the aim of recalling the past, and – within its specific historical context – drawing lessons and recognizing patterns from it. We also want to look towards the future and imagine its implications for the present.
Among others, we will discuss the following topics: the nexus between climate change and migration, the use of AI, innovation around borders and legal pathways.
We would like to invite you to mark November 14th in your calendar. More (practical) information about the program, including a registration link, will follow mid-October.
Feel free to forward this message to other interested parties within your network.
For whom?
Employees of universities, other knowledge institutions, ministries, governmental agencies, municipalities and non-governmental organizations involved in migration and/or integration.
Tuesday November 14th, 11:00 AM – 05:00 PM
Koninklijke Schouwburg, The Hague (in-person event)
Dutch/English. More information will follow mid-October.
Questions or ideas?
Team Strategy and Liaisons looks forward to receiving your message: postbus.tsenv@minjenv.nl