10-11/11: 16th Annual HiCN Workshop: Social Unrest and Violent Conflict in the Times of Pandemics

16th Annual HiCN Workshop


10-11 November 2020

Keynote speakers are Melissa Dell, Professor of Economics at Harvard University and Dr. Arif Husain, Chief Economist and Director of the Food Security Analysis and Trends Service at United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in Rome, Italy. Registration is open till 5 November. 

The Households in Conflict Network (HiCN) brings together researchers interested in the micro level analysis of the relationship between violent conflict and household welfare. 

This year’s workshop will focus on empirical, micro-level research that sheds light on the nexus between pandemics, social unrest and violent conflict. We will discuss innovative methodological approaches to fieldwork amidst the Covid-19 pandemic and new theoretical and empirical perspectives on the impact of Covid-19 on people, households, groups and firms, such as the welfare and economic impact of lockdowns, effects of the pandemic and lockdowns on the labour market, consequences of the pandemic in humanitarian settings and among refugees and displaced populations, consequences for supply chains and food markets, effects on schooling, children and mental health, (dis)trust in government, among others.

Please see the programme for further details.

The workshop is co-hosted by ISDC – International Security and Development CenterUNU-WIDER – United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics ResearchIDS and ECARES.

Attendance is free of charge.