10/07/2024 – Webinar on Reimagining migration and mobility: New ideas for an age-old human phenomenon

You are invited to join us for this forthcoming virtual event titled “Reimagining migration and mobility: New ideas for an age-old human phenomenon”. In this public event co-badged with the School of International Futures (SOIF), the panel will provide an overview of the ideas and themes explored in the reimagining migration and mobility workshop that took place in October 2023 and subsequent publication. This one small component of IOM’s contribution toward the United Nations Summit of the Future later this year. In addition, discussions will hone in on some key themes that emerged, including on regular migration pathways, the opportunities and benefits that migration brings, and greater inclusion of migrants.

Speakers will include Ugochi Daniels (Deputy Director General for Operations), Andrew Curry (Director, SOIF, United Kingdom), Iman Bashir (Researcher and Facilitator, SOIF, Kenya), Dr Marie McAuliffe (Head, Migration Research and Publications Division and Chief Editor, World Migration Report series), Prof Gibril Faal (Co-Founder and Director, GK Partners and Professor, London School of Economics ), Asst Prof Dr Souad Osseiran (Department of Sociology, Boğaziçi University, İstanbul), Prof Pablo Ceriani Cernadas (Director, Migration, Asylum and Human Rights Programme, National University of Lánus), Michele Klein Solomon (Director, ad interim, Department of Data, Insight and Policy Coordination).

The event will take place on Wednesday 10 July 2024 at 15:00 CET. Register for the event here.