CfP ECPR General Conference

Citizenship: The Politics of Inclusion and Exclusion

ECPR General Conference, University of Oslo, 6-9 September 2017

Section Number S13, Endorsed by the ECPR Standing Group on Citizenship

Section Chair Katja Mäkinen University of Jyväskylä

Section Co-Chair Trond Solhaug Norwegian University of Science & Technology, Trondheim


Call for Papers and Panels


The section explores the political, social, cultural and intimate terrain of inclusive/exclusive citizenship. It aims to gather together interdisciplinary work addressing the persistence of citizenship in contemporary politics and academic scholarship, but also new ways of practicing and theorising citizenship.

The scene of dead asylum seekers washing up on beaches, increasingly restrictive welfare regimes, deportation of the dangerous and unwanted, the deaths of young black men at the hands of the police – these recurring news at present demonstrate how citizenship is a source of violent exclusions. Citizenship delineates both the internal and external borders of political community and belonging. There remains a (post)colonial context to the nature of inclusion/exclusion as bodies moving from South to North become vulnerable and/or threatening. Equally, the internal borders of citizenship are shaped by ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality; experienced in the marginalisation and dehumanisation of the poor, unemployed, minority communities, the young and the old. The internal and external borders shape the life chances and experiences of citizens, unwanted citizens, to-be citizens, and various social groups. In this context, healthcare, education, housing or land rights become sites of marginalisation.

Simultaneously, however, claims to citizenship – by both those with and without formal rights – challenge concepts of the citizen and body politic. Thus citizenship can be a strategic necessity for survival, recognition and visibility. We see this in the actions of protest groups and social movements, such as immigrant protests, Black Lives Matter, trade unions and indigenous rights campaigns.

This promise of simultaneous inclusion and exclusion provides a central problem for citizenship studies: How to understand exclusion without missing the way how new acts, performances and claims to political subjectivity are made possible in relation to and against citizenship.

The Section includes theoretical and empirical contributions, which examine citizenship as a practice, concept, form of control, emotional assemblage and political subjectivity. The Section encourages discussions on the topical themes such as economic aspects of citizenship, inclusion and exclusion in education, citizenship (re)production and sexuality and the political culture of citizens and non-citizens.


Panel proposals and paper abstracts are welcome by 15th February 2017 (midnight GMT) at the latest via the ECPR website. Both panels with 3-5 Papers and individual Papers can be submitted at (Choose either “Propose a panel” or “Propose a paper” under the title The Event in the right hand side column)


Please follow carefully the instructions given at the ECPR website!

Guides -> Guidelines and deadlines -> Call for Panels and Papers -> Stage 2: Call for Panels (with Papers) and individual Papers


Panel Proposers should have the following information to hand to complete the Panel proposal form (at the ECPR website):


·                     The name/number of the Section they wish to propose to

·                     The Panel Co-Chair’s email address as registered in their MyECPR account (if applicable)

·                     The title of the Panel (no more than 20 words)

·                     The abstract (no more than 500 words)

·                     The Discussant’s email address as registered in their MyECPR account (one of the paper givers can be a discussant)

·                     The title of each Paper

·                     The abstract of each Paper (no more than 250 words)

·                     The Presenter’s email address as registered in their MyECPR account (please remind your panellists that they must create one if they do not already have it)

·                     The Co-author’s email address as registered in their My ECPR account (if applicable)

·                     Panel proposers will have to select 3-8 keywords from a pre-determined list, indicating the subject, theme and scope of the Panel. These keywords are used to categorise Panels (as well as Sections and Papers) within the academic programme in order to enable browsing and searching of both the online and printed programme. It is therefore important that proposers select appropriate keywords for their submission.


Paper proposers should have the following information to hand to complete the individual Paper proposal form (at the ECPR website):

  • The name/number of the Section they wish to propose to
  • The title of the Paper (no more than 20 words)
  • The abstract of the Paper (no more than 250 words)
  • The Co-author’s email address as registered in their My ECPR account
  • Paper proposers will have to select 3-8 keywords from a pre-determined list, indicating the subject, theme and scope of the Paper. These keywords are used to categorise Papers (as well as Sections and Papers) within the academic programme in order to enable browsing and searching of both the online and printed programme. It is therefore important that proposers select appropriate keywords for their submission.

The deadline is 15th February 2017 (midnight GMT).


Do not hesitate to ask for further information about the section:

or other aspects of the conference: