06/07/2023 – EMN conference: Presentation of the EMN Annual Report on Migration and Asylum

EMN conference: Presentation of the 2022 EMN Annual Report on Asylum and Migration
Main developments, challenges and opportunities

06 July 2023 (09:30-11:20 CEST)


The EMN Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2022 (ARM) highlights the most significant legislative and policy developments introduced by EMN Member and Observer Countries during 2022. The report provides an overview of key developments and cross-cutting themes in all areas of migration and asylum, set in the context of statistics developed by Eurostat. A more detailed Statistical Annex prepared by Eurostat is published alongside the Annual Report.

The Russian war against Ukraine, which began on 24 February 2022, has led to millions of displaced persons fleeing to the EU and neighbouring countries. This was met with an unprecedented and unified response by the European Union and the international community. In response to this crisis, the Temporary Protection Directive was activated on 4 March 2022, one week after the Russian invasion. This measure provided immediate protection and a harmonized set of rights. Today, over four million registrations for temporary protection are recorded in the EU and Schengen Associated Countries, of which more than 3 million registrations in the first half of 2022. While not bound by the Directive, the ARM also shows the contribution of EMN Observer Countries in supporting persons fleeing Ukraine.

This new challenge sits alongside existing ones related to demography, labour market, or the impact of migration on Member States’ societies. The year 2022 witnessed a notable increase in asylum applications (ca. 966 000 asylum applications, up by around 50% from 2021 and the most since 2016) and irregular border crossings (around 330 000 IBC, +64% from 2022) which placed pressure on the asylum systems and reception capacities of both Member States and Norway.

Attracting and retaining qualified workers remains a priority for the EMN Member and Observer Countries. During 2022 further labour shortages and bottlenecks were identified, and there was a continued emphasis among Member States on implementing reforms to better attract skilled individuals and manage legal migration. Similarly, Georgia has designed a new development strategy to enhance the country’s development inter alia by facilitating labour migration and strengthening its diaspora abroad.

As the impact of COVID-19 receded in 2022 it allowed for the lifting of travel restrictions and the resumption of return-related activities.

In this context, the event will discuss the factors which drove legal and policy developments in 2022, placing them within broader policy efforts to improve migration management. The event will present the main findings of the ARM, alongside a contextualising statistical overview. It will also provide the opportunity to reflect on a key theme emerging from its findings – the need to attract talent and skilled workers to the EU and the role of partnerships and Team Europe initiatives with non-EU countries.

The event will be hosted online through Zoom, and available to a broad range of audiences, including EU and national policy makers, EU agencies, experts and practitioners, academia, civil society, and NGOs, as well as the general public. Further information and the extended agenda of the event will be available on the EMN website.

If you are interested in attending the EMN launch event of the EMN ARM report, we kindly invite you to REGISTER HERE